Light ROM 4
Light ROM 4 - Disc 1.iso
000010_owner-lightwave-l _Mon May 1 15:29:36 1995.msg
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Date: Mon, 1 May 1995 10:35:32 -0400 (EDT)
From: Ed Hoffmann <ehoffman@iac.net>
To: lightwave-l@netcom.com
Subject: Another strange screen display problem!
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I was going through the metaform tutorial in the latest LWPro (LW 101),
and liked the results so much, I decided to cut the numbers into the
faces and make the complete die object (as in singular of dice ;-) ). So,
I created my metaformed die, and made number 1-6 in another layer,
positioned the letters one by one, and did a boolean subtract to creat
the recessed numbers on the die faces. Looked great, even had all the
surfaces named right! I went to save the object, no problem. I also
exported it to Layout. Still in Modeler, though, I reloaded the object
and it was all hacked up! While the original object looked fine in the
solid preview, the reloaded one had strange lines internal to the die
connecting seemingly random points from one face to another! No real
pattern, just a mess, although the outside contour of the die was ok.
When I went to Layout, that version was all screwy too, and rendered with
weird holes were the strange connecting line were! I tried to save with a
different name, with nothing in the other layers and nothing!
Anyone have a clue? BTW, this is LW 3.5 SA (Amiga, obviously) with no
past problems at all!
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| I brew the beer I drink! # This sig has been cruelly |
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